Simplifying payments for businesses

Accept and manage payments
securely in one place

No Fee Payment Processing

Accept ACH payments easily and get back the power of choice to split or pass on the transaction fee to your customers.

Problems in traditional payment processing

Chargebacks and disputes

Traditional payment processors leave businesses vulnerable to declined payments, disputes, and chargebacks.

Processing fees

Credit card companies charge businesses high processing fees, and merchants have no choice but to comply.

Complicated system

Credit card processing companies purposely complicate the process to distract businesses from hidden fees.

Lack of control

Businesses are left to abide by the increasing demands of their payment processors with little-to-no say in the matter.

Regardless of the industry

Denefits has the solution

Join Denefits Today For Free

Secure payments

Denefits uses ACH payments to provide your business with additional security.

Simple and easy to use

No need for equipment or software, no contracts to sign, no subscription fees.

Split/Pass on processing fees

Denefits gives you the power of choice: to share or pass on any transaction fees to your customers.

Be in control

Denefits gives you complete control over payments, plans, processing, contracts, & everything else.